2018 Blossburg Firemen’s Ambulance Assoc. Membership Drive

The Blossburg Firemen’s Ambulance Association, Inc., is proud to announce their 2018 subscription membership drive!

Why should you purchase the VOLUNTEER “BLOSSBURG FIREMEN’S AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, Inc.” subscription membership? The biggest reason is to SAVE YOU MONEY. An ambulance will transfer you to the nearest APPROPRIATE hospital, such as, UPMC Susquehanna- Williamsport or SSMH Wellsboro or Guthrie Troy for NO OUT OF POCKET transport expense to you. This is NOT an insurance policy.

Our VOLUNTEER ambulances serve Blossburg Borough, townships of Bloss(Arnot), Hamilton (Morris Run), Covington, Putnam, Ward, and with the assistance of Liberty Volunteer Fire Department, Liberty Borough, Liberty Township and Jackson Township(Lycoming County). Due to new county 9-1-1 policies and radio procedures brought about by staffing issues of all county volunteer ambulance services- there is a possibility of a neighboring ambulance service providing your BLS treatment and transport. Your subscription membership will be honored.

This is how it works: An ambulance is called for because of a MVA, sudden chest pain, signs or symptoms of a stroke, sudden shortness of breath, a change in responsiveness or any other life threatening emergency. A patient is treated and transported to the nearest appropriate facility. The transport is billed to an insurance company, the insurance company will either send the patient a check(which needs to be sent to the ambulance association) or send a check to the billing company. The bill then, will be paid in full, with NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE to you.

Your subscription allows us to offer an affordable alternative to high costs of ambulance treatment and transport. Your subscription also provides funding for operational costs, such as, mortgage, insurances, equipment and training that is needed for our personnel to stay updated in skills and knowledge needed to care for you appropriately.

*for your convenience, representatives will be at the Blossburg Fire and Ambulance Building to answer your questions and receive your membership on April 14th from 9:00AM until noon and April 21st from noon until 4:00PM and May 5th from 9:00 AM until 11:00.*

Click below to get the 2018 Membership form


2018 Membership Levels and Rates:

  • Individual – $20
  • Couple – $40
  • Family – $45
  • Camps $100